Clinically Proven Mental Health Treatment

Learn to Live’s programs utilize cognitive behavioral therapy – the clinically-proven gold standard for mental health treatment – and are backed by over twenty years of research showing that digital cognitive behavioral therapy can be as effective as face-to-face therapy

Learn more about our available programs.

Two people holding hands

Empowering People to Improve Their Mental Health

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is based on the idea that learning how to change your thinking and habits can have a meaningful, long-term impact on individuals’ mental health and well-being.  

Learn to Live’s CBT programs help individuals recognize faulty or unhelpful ways of thinking about problems, learn how to think about those problems differently, and ultimately, change their behavior. These lessons include problem-solving and stress management skills and employ homework exercises to practice developing new behavior patterns.  

Ongoing psychometric assessments score individuals on their skills, knowledge, abilities, personality traits, attitudes, and job/academic potential as they relate to CBT and provide a valuable tool in tracking their progress.

Research Studies Prove the Benefits of Learn to Live’s CBT Programs

Learn to Live’s digital cognitive behavioral therapy programs have been the subject of extensive study to measure their effectiveness in helping adults manage their moods and cope with the stresses of everyday life. 

One study evaluated an employee health benefit providing guided therapeutic modules for managing depression, anxiety, insomnia, and stress. The research determined that digital resources are effective at reducing the clinical symptoms of these behavioral health disorders. Significant reductions were found on validated measures of clinical symptoms specific to each program.   

Another study suggests that homework practice adds to clinical improvement, over and above the improvement gained from receiving support. While the number of lessons completed in a clinical module is the strongest predictor of change, the second strongest predictor is completion of at least one homework practice exercise. These findings validate that completing homework practice improves outcomes for users and this should routinely be encouraged for those using the Learn to Live platform. 

Read more about our clinical research.

Digital Mental Health Reduces Costs, Improves Access, Overcomes Stigma

Male sitting down smiling at his iPad

Learn to Live addresses the most common reasons people do not get help for mental health problems – cost, access, and stigma. Our programs offer an effective tool to engage those who would not otherwise have sought help:

  • Over 70% of people who use Learn to Live programs are new to or lapsed in receiving therapy.
  • Data shows that our members are 6x more likely to engage in Learn to Live’s mental health programs than alternative options.

Interested in seeing how cognitive behavioral therapy can positively impact your organization?
